Discovering Your Big Rocks Group Discussion
Solution Goal:To help students prioritize what’s most important in their lives.Instructions:Introduction (5 minutes): Begin by explaining the concept of Big Rocks and how it relates to time management and prioritization. Share Stephen Covey’s analogy of...Discovering Your Big Rocks as an Individual
Smart Solutions: To help individuals prioritize and focus on what’s most important in their life.Instructions:Self-Reflection (10 minutes): Begin by setting aside some quiet time for self-reflection. Ask the individual to think about the various aspects of their...
Hurt People Hurt People: Embracing Empathy and Compassion For Those Hurting Out Loud
In our rental property management industry, the survival guide to dealing with difficult people lies in understanding that “hurt people hurt people.” In our Survival BootCamp workshop, we cover the art of handling challenging individuals, and this article...
Cultivating Effective Interactions: Harnessing Body Language and Positioning
In our Survival Boot Camp workshop, we delve into the art of dealing with difficult people, with a particular emphasis on empathetic listening. However, what about body language and positioning? Can they offer solutions to handling tricky situations, such as...