Get Smart
Fall Apartment Marketing Planning
A property manager’s job never ends and this includes marketing your property. Different seasons bring with them different concerns as well as different needs of your potential renters. Although you’re likely right in the middle of summer activities, now is a good...
Tips For Using Social Media To Promote Your Apartment Community
As a property manager, you always have one thing on your mind – how to promote your apartment community. In 2018 most people would say that’s a simple answer: social media. While it’s true that social media has transformed daily life and ways to market your property...
How To Deal With Negative Reviews Online
A survey reveals that 91% of customers read online reviews of local businesses. What does this mean for your property? It means that online reviews are inevitable, specifically negative ones. But don’t let negative reviews ruin your reputation. Instead, follow these tips for how to deal with negative reviews online.
Summer Property Management Checklist
Summer is here and with it come the demands of summer property management – pool safety, air conditioning maintenance and resident activities. Don’t sweat it – we’ve got a list of everything you need to do to be prepared so you don’t feel the heat this summer. The...
Best Places To Do Local Outreach Marketing
Outreach Marketing is taking businesses to far-reaching heights. Active neighborhoods with a variety of restaurants, services, and amenities are becoming the standard for renters. It is vital that your apartment community to not only be an expert on what businesses...
Five Creative Outreach Marketing Ideas for Apartment Communities
Nowadays, marketing apartments to a local community isn’t always easy. It is a herculean task that many apartment managers struggle with but know is 100% necessary. Potential renters are wanting the total package when it comes to their homes, so it is more important...
How to transition from Smart Staffer to Permanent Employee
Written by Smart Girl Makita Bonner, posted by Smart Chick Megan The first step is to understand you must have strong communication with your contracting agency, after all, they are the ones signing your paycheck and managing the relationship with your new employer to...
Jaws Meets Sharktales- Navigating Through Generational Waters
Generation gaps are as old as history. Nevertheless, businesses seem to be more worried than before about managing three age groups with such differing attitudes. A recent survey by Ernst & Young, which asked American professionals from each age group their...
Safety In The Workplace- Did You Know?
Thousands of workers are injured on the job every year. Some of these injuries are serious and life threatening, while others are not as grave and require little attention. From developing carpal tunnel because of too much time typing to injuring a hand while working...