Rethinking Outreach Marketing

For years many in the apartment industry have referred to Outreach Marketing as a four letter word, and although we budget for outreach and say we do it, can anyone say they have had direct benefits from their communities outreach efforts? When I ask my clients and...

The Green Monster

Sitting just over 300 ft from home plate in Boston’s Fenway Park sits the highest wall in all of major league baseball. Origianally just called the wall, the “Green Monster” acts as a target for right handed power hitters considering the distance is...

Good, bad or ugly?; the call is yours!

Every week, one of our smart bloggers will post photos or items that caused us to pause for the cause.  Our hope is to engage you in conversation about the item, soliciting your opinion as to whether it is good, bad or ugly? To start us off, I observed this vehicle in...